New opportunities and setting the bar higher

2011 was the best year of my life.

It wasn’t perfect, it was bumpy at times, but all of the hard work that I’ve been putting in day in and day out is starting to manifest itself in the fruit of my labours.

What I really want to strive to develop more is a first-class skill of visualizing and executing ideas – ideas are common and most people have ideas but they fail or don’t bother with the execution of them.

I want to be better at coming up with a plan and a system of attack for getting there, it’s something I’ve been lax at trying to figure out. Mind-mapping, charting out the steps to get to a destination, identifying what needs to be done daily, weekly, monthly, etc. to make it happen.

This past week I spent a lot of time reflecting; I’m confident that business is going to keep getting better and busier and its time for me to begin putting together the best team I can. It all starts with systems, which means outlining the workflow of a lot of aspects of my business ventures. I’m hoping to get this pushed forward over the coming weeks.

I have been in Buenos Aires for 25 days now. It’s been a fun and really interesting experience so far. It’s gone by unbelievably fast. Now I have to decide where the f*ck to go next. I told me landlord I wanted to rent this apartment through January. In February I may go to Rio for Carnival, or south to Bariloche and maybe Ushaia, and then onwards to Chile, and Mendoza, so I can explore the Andes a bit. Anyway, I don’t have a visa, so I’ll have to exit Argentina sometime in February.

At some point I may work my way up and eventually go to Panama City, got contacted by someone through my website who wants help designing a website / and marketing for his boutique hotel in Panama. So we’ll see how that develops.

I’ve also been toying with the idea of re-enacting Che Guevara’s famous motorbike ride across South America from his youth. That would be purely awesome.

Back in San Diego, I got together with some friends and we created our “dream-lines” just as outlined in the 4 Hour Workweek. You know, if you had a million dollars and were 10 times smarter than everyone else, what would you do: daily? weekly? monthly? And what would do within 6 months, 12 months etc?

It was a good productive and interesting exercise. Trying to make the “dream-goals” a reality has been slightly less glamorous and requires far more work, persistence, and patience than I had originally imagined. But I made a commitment to following these dreams that I’ve set for myself, and I’m not going to give up.

I’ve been building my information product,, and have been taking the time to figure out all the skills related to selling information products online and preparing the site. Finished recording the 4 videos that I plan to use as part of the product launch sequence. I also used some of the techniques from Mass Control which hopefully will work well.

If I just sell one membership – and help one person, all the long days and nights I’ve spent working on that site will be worth it!

I’ve been busy working on making my content as high-quality as possible before I launch the site and seek out potential partners.

Well, there’s so much more I could go on and on about. I’ll talk more about my trip and about South America and my experiences in Buenos Aires so far at some point. But I’m still not sure what the tone of my trip will be – I’m kind of just completely and simultaneously immersed, fascinated, and enthralled by it all.


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